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Your products. Our passion.

We help sales-focused brands who want to optimize and scale on Amazon, outperform their sales goals and become industry leaders.
We believe that by getting the right products into the hands of the right customers, everybody wins!
Our team manages, maximizes and measures your brand’s success on Amazon. Learn More…
“We had been selling on Amazon for over two years and thought we were doing a pretty good job, but then your team came in an optimized our listings and keywords and delivered on a strategy that made a huge difference. Over the next 6 weeks our sales took off like a rocket ship and we can’t thank you enough!”
— Dave Wesch, Co-Founder of Doggy Do Good

Your Vision

Reach Your Potential on Amazon

Our Mission

Help you optimize and scale your brand on Amazon by connecting your product with the right customer. We call that a WIN-WIN.
Help you optimize and scale your brand on Amazon by connecting your product with the right customer. We call that a WIN-WIN.
Our team protects, manages, maximizes and measures your brand’s success on Amazon.


Your Brand and Products


Your Amazon Relationship


Your Amazon Sales and Profit



Your Brand’s Results

“We immediately noticed the quality and work ethic of your team and the way they handled the intricacies of our business while leading us from vendor to seller on Amazon.
Within the first few months we really began to appreciate your team’s level of expertise. They executed during our biggest selling season and hit every goal. Everything happened exactly the way you said it would.
That gave us the confidence to know that we don’t have to worry, that you’ll take care of it. You’re sort of like our own internal company expert, but with the outside perspective that we need.”
— Justin Kalvitz, Senior Vice President Global Commercial Business at Kent Displays

The Amazon Effect.

In the world of ecommerce, Amazon is a tool that online sellers simply cannot afford to ignore. Amazon’s share of the US ecommerce market recently hit 49%.
In the 25 years since its creation, Amazon has grown to become the top ecommerce platform in the U.S. Each month more than 200 million people around the world get on their devices and visit


Shoppers on Amazon

Amazon has over over 310 million shoppers on spending over $386 billion per year. 200 million of those shoppers are Amazon Prime subscribers.


Price Check On Amazon

Amazon is dominating online product search. After finding a product on another retailer’s website, 90% of consumers check Amazon for the same product.


Out of Every $10

For every $10 spent online, 4 of those dollars are spent on Amazon. 55% start on Amazon when shopping for products online instead of using Google to search for a product.

USA Today

Amazon is becoming the e-commerce portal for gajillions of small businesses around the United States.
Michael Levin, Partner and Co-founder at Consumer Intelligence Research
“You have been instrumental in building our brand on Amazon. We realized quickly Amazon was confusing to navigate and we couldn’t have done it without your expertise in setting our product up for success.”
— Alex Bayer, CEO/Founder of Genius Coconut Smoothies
Art and Science
“You have been instrumental in building our brand on Amazon. We realized quickly Amazon was confusing to navigate and we couldn’t have done it without your expertise in setting our product up for success.”


Ideal positioning within the marketplace
Creative storytelling
Copywriting that converts sales
Compelling imagery that tells a brand story
Expanding niches
Creating multiple customer touch points


Exhaustive keyword research
Studying competitive reviews
Leveraging Amazon’s top rank algorithm
Optimizing high volume search terms
Analyzing Sponsored Product Ad data
Performing listing A/B split tests

“We are super thankful for Elevate. The team you have assembled gives us a lot of confidence knowing our account is watched vigilantly, reported on continuously and overall in really good hands. You have everything we look for in a partner … you’re Hungry, Humble and Smart. ”
— Asaiah Passwater, CEO of Clearly Filtered

Wild Success

Founded by successful entrepreneurs responsible for 7 and 8-figure ecommerce brands, we know how to help you achieve wild success on Amazon.
Our team includes Amazon ecosystem experts, brand managers, ad strategists, graphic designers, writers, customer service personnel, data entry teams, and — most importantly — fellow entrepreneurs that are invested in your company’s success.
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